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Rutin series
Citrus Aurantium P.E
Alkaloids series
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Xi'an Rainbow Bio-Tech Co.,Ltd
Address: Room 604, Block B1, Jinye Shidai Building,No.32 Jinye Road., Xi’an 710065, China
Alkaloids series Position:Home > Products > Alkaloids series
Xi'an Rainbow Bio-Tech Co., Ltd

Appearance:White crystaline powder
Formula & M.W.:C32H44N2O8 584.64
Strong analgesic effect: analgesic effect of morphine is equivalent to 7 times the normal analgesic aminopyrine, the analgesic effect of pethidine and fairly, while maintaining the analgesic effect of longer, more tramadol alternative species.
Lasting effect: Anesthesia isomer of Aconitum strong from deep to superficial anesthesia, clinically proven local anesthetic effect equivalent to cocaine; nerve conduction blockade is 5.25 times that of cocaine, it is procaine 13 times; anesthesia effect is much stronger than cocaine and procaine
High security: high security, non-addictive, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects on the immune system and no accumulation, irritation, allergic response and toxicity. The clinical application of proven, within the scope of usage and dosage prescribed without a poisoning cases occur.
Cooling elimination heat: fever of various significant antipyretic effect, antipyretic effect clinically proven superior to hydrogen aminopyrine, its cooling effect is equal to aspirin and other medicine.
Anti-inflammatory elimination heat: a variety of capillary permeability and inflammation model caused bleeding, swelling and other significant inhibition and enhance the role of adrenocortical function. At the same time, can inhibit capillary permeability, eliminate ear, toes, joints, leg swelling, inhibition of granuloma formation within the ball.
Strengthening the immune system: stimulates reticuloendothelial cell proliferation, enhanced phagocytic activity of mononuclear leukocytes and macrophages, thereby enhancing immunity
Widespread use: pain, headache, toothache, shoulder and arm pain, neck pain, back pain, pain stones, trauma pain, rheumatism, gastrointestinal ulcer pain, nerve pain, sciatica, inflammation caused by a variety of women's pain, postoperative pain .
For fever and other flu causes fever

Address: Room 604, Block B1, Jinye Shidai Building, No.32 Jinye Road., Xi’an 710065, China
Tel: 0086-29-81119825/81116639
Fax: 0086-29-81116693
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