
Natural Astaxanthin

Natural Astaxanthin powder

Name:Natural Astaxanthin powder
Appearance:Brown powder
Formula :C40H52O4
CAS NO.472-61-7
Major Quality Index:
nbsp;   1) it can significantly improve the body's immune system, because it can be combined with non-specific skeletal muscle, muscle cells can effectively remove free radicals generated by the movement, strengthen the aerobic metabolism, and therefore has significant anti-fatigue effect;
2) It is the only carotenoids through the blood brain barrier, truly anti-aging effects;
3) effective antioxidant activity is the foundation of all beauty, because of its powerful antioxidant effects: effective anti-wrinkle, whitening sunscreen and melasma caused by age is removed, in the prevention and treatment of "age-related macular degeneration, "improvement of retinal function with good results, above all in the United States to be clearly established.